Three Things You Should Never Do After An Auto Accident

When you get into an auto accident, there several things you are likely to know concerning what to do. For example, you know to exchange insurance information, and if the accident is bad enough, you know to call the police. You also know about filing a claim with the other driver's insurance company. However, there are several things you should never do. The following are three of them. You don't see a doctor

Can A Discretionary Trust Protect Assets From Creditors?

One concern many people have about leaving assets to heirs and beneficiaries is that creditors may attempt to intercept those assets and use them to pay off debts, leaving the intended inheritor with nothing. There are a few ways you can prevent this from happening, and one option is to set up a discretionary trust. Here's more information about this type of trust and how it may help protect your loved ones from creditor machinations.

3 Valuable Reasons Why You Should Rely On An Attorney After Your Auto Accident

No one gets behind the wheel of a vehicle and expects to be involved in a serious accident, but auto accidents occur every day. Finding yourself involved in an auto accident can be frightening, but having the help of an experienced attorney can help you navigate the process of dealing with your accident and recovering from any injuries. Here are three valuable reasons why you should consider hiring an attorney to represent your interests following an auto accident in the future.

Are You Being Audited?

An audit is a review of your tax return by the Internal Revenue Service, or IRS. For some filers, the audit could lead to a tax bill. For others, a refund could result. If you have received notice of an audit, here is what you need to know: What Triggered the Audit? A tax audit is not as arbitrary as some may believe. In many instances, it is triggered by a computer analysis of a tax return.

Signs Of Nursing Home Negligence

If you have a family member in a nursing home then you want to make sure you watch out for them and verify that they are being properly taken care of. While you would like to assume that the nursing home you have them in is taking proper care of them, you can't always count on this being the case. Since people in nursing homes aren't always able to speak up for themselves, it's important for you to watch for signs of neglect and/or abuse, so you can take proper action if you suspect there is a problem.