Arguing For The Rights To Call Your Business By The Chosen Name

Legal issues in business require the expertise of a business attorney. Most of the time, you are dealing with a disgruntled customer suing you, or an issue with a product that you were unaware there was a problem. However, when you are first starting your business, and you are faced with a lawsuit over the name you have chosen for your business, that does not portend well for your future. Here is how to effectively argue for the rights to call your business by the name you have chosen for it.

Dogs And Cars: Who's Liable For A Dog's Injuries During A Car Accident?

If you have a dog, then you likely view them as a "member of the family." That last thing you likely ever expect is for your dog to get injured in an auto accident while in your car or for them to get hit by a car on the road. However, remember that any time your dog is inside of your vehicle, there is always a chance that another driver will strike your vehicle and, no matter how close an eye you keep on your dog, they may "

What Could Proposed Changes To Florida's Alimony Laws Mean For You?

If you and your spouse have been dealing with turbulence in your marriage for some time, you may feel a divorce is the only remaining option that will allow you both to pursue happiness. For those living (and divorcing) in the state of Florida, this can often mean an alimony award to the lower-earning spouse for a period of time after the divorce has been finalized. However, potential changes to the way alimony is awarded could impact your case if you file after the new law takes effect.

Why Is It Harder To Win A Slip And Fall Case If The Accident Occurred Outside Rather Than Inside?

Each year, approximately 1 million people visit emergency rooms or hospitals for injuries that occur from slips and falls. Slips and falls can occur in many ways, and they can happen inside or outside. If you recently slipped and fell outdoors, you may wonder if you can sue the owner of the parking lot where this happened. You should realize there are differences with indoor and outdoor slips and falls, and it can be slightly harder to win an outdoor slip and fall case compared to an indoor one.

6 Birth Injuries That Cause Lasting Complications

Obstetricians have a responsibility to monitor their patients carefully and use delivery techniques that minimize the risk of injury to babies. Despite the many advances in maternal and fetal medicine, thousands of babies continue to sustain birth injuries each year. Some of these injuries heal quickly, but others cause devastating complications that can affect the rest of a child's life. If you are expecting a baby, ask your doctor what steps will be taken to prevent these six injuries during your delivery.