How to Respond Legally to Telemarketer Abuse?

Telemarketer abuse is a common problem in modern American life. However, you don't have to put up with it because you have legal options. Here is how a telemarketer harassment lawyer typically encourages their clients to address these situations.

Register on the Do-Not-Call List

At the federal level, the government maintains a list of people who don't want to receive telemarketing calls. Especially if your phone number is tied to a residence rather than a business, there's an excellent chance you're eligible to put your name on this list.

The federal Do-Not-Call List is available online so register. Doing so will begin the official documentary trail of your objection to telemarketer harassment. This will prevent the offender from arguing they were unaware of your objection.

Inform the Offender

Likewise, you should make sure any offending party is aware you consider their conduct telemarketer abuse. If an offender calls you, tell them to take you off their call list. Similarly, you should inform them you're on the Do-Not-Call List so they understand that they may be subject to federal penalties.

Document the Offenses

Including the date you inform an offender of your objections to their conduct, start documenting the offenses. Keep a pen and note pad around so you can chronicle when offending parties called you. Make small notes for things like the times you told them to take you off their call list. Include times of date in your notes. Also, supply any information about how they identified themselves both in speaking to you and through the caller ID system.

Contact an Attorney

You have the right to work with a telemarketer harassment lawyer to pursue penalties against offenders. Make copies of your notes. Lock all call records from the offenders on your phone, too. Provide this information to the attorney so they can assess whether there might be a pattern of misconduct worthy of a civil case.

Much of the legal value of a telemarketer abuse case comes from dropping a ton of penalties on the offending party. Consequently, the more people who participate in a case, the more the telemarketer will suffer if they lose in court. If you know a telemarketer has been canvassing your area, for example, tell other people that they have rights, too. Your telemarketer harassment lawyer can then bring the weight of those complaints to bear against the offending party. This is incredibly important for you to do.
