How an Interim Order Can Help in a Divorce

A divorce can take a long time to become final. There are some important decisions that often cannot wait until a final divorce decree comes down from the court. For that reason, the court will use interim orders to mandate certain aspects of the divorce until the final decisions are made. The following is some information about interim orders you need to know if you are in the process of or anticipate a divorce:

What Does an Interim Order Accomplish?

The goal of an interim order in a divorce lets you deal with the most pressing issues of your divorce on a temporary basis while the divorce process carries on. The orders allow a court to establish certain rules for both parties to follow until the divorce is final.

When Are Interim Orders Most Used?

There are many instances in which an interim order can be beneficial to one or all parties to a divorce. A child custody dispute can be dealt with using an interim order, for instance. To prevent as much disruption to the children's lives as possible, you might use an interim order to determine the children's primary home for the duration of the divorce process. As you work through the divorce, you can make more specific decisions based on your new circumstances.

An interim order also helps you file for temporary child support if the children are in your primary custody. Once you figure out your final custody order, this arrangement may or may not change, based on your circumstances.

If your spouse was the main source of income, you can use an interim order to get temporary spousal support. Doing so allows you to have a means of temporary financial support until you can figure out a more gainful employment situation.

If you are a member of the military and you face a deployment in the midst of your divorce, you may use an interim order to ensure the proper care and custody of your children until you return home to deal with the final decisions.

These are just a few examples of how interim orders can help you in a divorce. The ability to make some temporary decisions while waiting for your divorce finalization can put some rules in place to prevent any problems that may arise during the divorce. Because divorces can take a long time to become final, interim orders can help you feel more at peace while you work through these tough decisions. For more information, talk with a  divorce lawyer
