Things That Can Delay A Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Discharge

On average, it takes approximately four to six months from start to finish to complete a Chapter 7 bankruptcy case; however, there are times it may take longer than this. When a case takes longer than six months, it is typically because there were delays in the case. If you want to speed up your case, you should understand the main things that cause delays in cases so you can aim to avoid these.

Failing to take the credit counseling classes that are required

You will be told by your attorney that there is a requirement for you involving credit counseling courses. This requirement is that you must complete two different courses at different times during the process of using bankruptcy. The first occurs before you file, and the second one takes place after you file. You cannot file your case until you complete the first one. Therefore, if you do not take the first course, it will delay your ability to file. If you decide to procrastinate with your second course, it could delay receiving the discharge and ending of your Chapter 7 case.

Incomplete documents or failing to turn in the requested information

The second cause of delays in any bankruptcy case is a failure to provide documentation that the trustee needs. At any time during your case, the trustee might have questions about certain debts, assets, or financial details about your case. When this occurs, the trustee will request further documentation for the issue in question, and the trustee will notify your attorney for this information. Your attorney will then ask you for it. Failing to provide the documentation will often result in delays as the trustee cannot continue working on your case without the right information.

Complex issues the trustee must evaluate and research

The other thing that could lead to a delay in your case is if there is some type of complicated issue in your case. For example, if you have an asset that you claim you do not have but appears to be in your name, this could be considered a complicated issue that would take time to research. For issues like this, you can expect the case to take longer as more research time will likely be needed by the trustee.

One of the best ways to ensure that your case is discharged in a timely manner is by following all the instructions a bankruptcy lawyer like David M. Todaro Co., LPA gives you.
