FMLA And Disability: What You Need To Know

At some point in everyone's life, a medical emergency can take him or her away from work for a long period of time. Whether you or an immediate relative is sick, having a baby, or have some other short or long-term disability, the fear of losing your job due to absence can be concerning.

Any sort of illness or other medical need that causes a long absence from work can be considered a disability, even if it is not permanent. Many companies will offer short and long-term disability insurance to pay for a portion of your salary while you are away. However, other companies do not offer such coverage, especially if you are a part-time employee. Still, you should not have a fear of losing your job thanks to the Family Medical Leave Act, or FMLA. Under FMLA, as long as your company meets the requirements, you are allowed up to twelve weeks of job protection to care for yourself or a family member. The following are some disabilities that are covered by FMLA:

When You or a Family Member Needs Inpatient Care

FMLA protects your job if you or a member of your immediate family requires inpatient care. This can be time spent in the hospital, a rehab facility, or hospice. You are allowed to have leave for the duration of the inpatient care and the convalescence.

During Pregnancy, Delivery and Post-Partum

Pregnancy and all care related to it is covered by FMLA. Pregnancy is considered a serious medical condition, so your prenatal appointments or any bed-rest is also covered. The birth and post-partum coverage will be the same regardless if it was a normal or complicated birth and recovery.

For Chronic Health Conditions

If you have a chronic illness that needs regular treatment, your job will be protected with FMLA. This includes conditions such as asthma, diabetes, or epilepsy. Although these conditions do not typically require regular hospital stays, you are allowed to go on your routine doctor's appointments related to these conditions without fear of losing your job. It will also cover any hospital care that is a result of your condition. You will need to check with your human resources department for a list of the medical conditions that are covered with FMLA.

Keep in mind that FMLA coverage only kicks in when you have been employed for a minimum amount of time. There are also some requirements your company has to maintain in order to qualify for any FMLA protections. If you think or anticipate any medical leave, you will need to speak to your human resources department to find out if you meet the criteria for FMLA coverage. For more help, you can contact a company like Iler and Iler.
