Unseen Medical Conditions And Social Security

Many people associate getting Social Security disability benefits with physical medical conditions, but the list of approved conditions that the Social Security covers does contain several different types of mental and emotional disabilities. You might find coverage for anxiety disorders, depression, mood orders like bi-polar disorder, and many more. You should understand that getting approved for Social Security benefits can be difficult enough for physical disabilities, but proving mental disabilities can be even more challenging. If a mental issue is keeping you from doing your job, read on to learn more about getting benefits.

You must show proof

No matter what type of disability you are suffering from, the Social Security Administration (SSA) requires that you show proof of that disability. In most cases, a record of treatment for your illness must be included in your application. It should be emphasized that, without showing a record of treatment, you will likely be denied coverage. The SSA needs to see that you sought treatment, followed the advice of the mental health professional, took any prescribed medications, and can show a time-line of treatment that contains no large gaps.

Decompensation: what it is and how it pertains to your claim

Many people are unfamiliar with this word, but it is a key component of your claim. The easiest explanation is that decompensation means that, as a result of your mental issue, you are no longer able to accomplish the tasks that were (or are) required of you in your job. For example, your job may require you to give talks before an audience. You have begun to suffer from severe anxiety, however, and are now unable to do that task. This is decompensation.

It is not uncommon to be in treatment for a certain mental disability and to continue to work at your job seemingly unaffected by your condition. Often, however, you may experience a worsening of symptoms, leading to an inability to attend to your assigned tasks. Make sure that you let your therapist know when your symptoms show an increase; the expert's notes on your symptoms are a key piece of evidence of your disability.

If you have been denied your Social Security benefits, be sure to get some help with the appeals process. Instead of giving up, talk to a Social Security attorney about your claim and learn how to obtain those benefits that you worked hard for all these years.
